Sunday, September 18, 2011

Here's to you, Jill

 Before I got married, I constantly heard comments from different people saying that the first year of marriage was the hardest. I met my wife a little over two years ago. We started dating in the winter of 2010 and got married in November of that year. She is an amazing person. Let me tell you, our first year of marriage has been nothing but bliss! We are hitting our ten month anniversary tomorrow and life couldn't be better. The best part about marrying Jill is that, I really did marry my best friend. And what's better, is that I get to spend the rest of my life with her. She always makes me smile. Even if we're having an argument, we seem to find some way to laugh it off (it usually entails going off on a scooter ride-which is definitely the best purchase of our marriage so far). She's absolutely everything I wanted and more in a wife. She has an amazing family, she's constantly striving to be like Jesus Christ, she's smart, she's BEAUTIFUL, and she has a nice car. The first year of marriage is definitely different from the single life, there's no questioning that, but it's definitely been the best year of my life. I can't wait to make next year the best year of my life with Jill, then the next, and the next.

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